Church Planting 

According to the Book of Acts

Free training 

Working through the book of Acts we see key principles for disciple making and church planting that can be applied to any generation, culture and context. We will note common threads and unique insights as we study the nine church plants described in Acts. This training will equip you to reach people with the gospel, make disciples, plant healthy New Testament churches and raise up and appoint leaders. We will look at movement principles which will lay a foundation of multiplication in the new church plant from the start. 

The course will take place monthly over zoom and will be at 19:30 UK time, and there will be opportunity for coaching for each pioneering team.

1. Monday 29th January – Course Outline and Scriptural Basis for Church Planting 

2. Thursday 15th February – The Church in Jerusalem (Part 1) 

3. Tuesday 26th March – The Church in Jerusalem (Part 2) 

4. Thursday 25th April – The Church in Antioch 

5. Tuesday 21st May – The Church in Pisidian Antioch 

6. Tuesday 11th June – The Church in Iconium and Lystra 

7. Tuesday 16th July – The Church in Philippi Church 

8. Tuesday 10th September – The Church in Thessalonica 

9. Monday 7th October – The Church in Corinth 

10. Monday 4th November – The Church in Ephesus 

11. Monday 2nd December – Planning and Prayer