The 180 Project
The 180 Project is the banner we use to cover all of our work in the community with families and individuals who’d benefit from holistic support; including emotional, practical, social and spiritual aspects of their lives.
Through members and staff at Community Church, we are able to demonstrate the love and care of Jesus.
Our vision
To inspire our congregations towards active involvement in our communities, reflecting the heart of God for and to those most in need by providing support to people who are vulnerable and facing injustice.
Our values
Are centred around generosity, integrity, holistic and early intervention.
What we do…
For Families….
We have a family support worker who’s role it is to meet with and support families in the community. Lydia is able to help with most needs, and if she can’t help, she’ll likely know someone who can!
Most often, Lydia helps families access practical support, such as access to help with food and furniture, but can also help you to register for schools, access benefits, immigration or debt advice among many things.
If there is anything you need help with, you can reach Lydia by calling or texting 07538540050 or dropping her an email.
For individuals who want to learn how to budget, save and spend well…
We run a free, three session course from CAP which will teach you a way of managing your money to ensure that you’re not left struggling at the end of the month. Jane and Michelle are on hand to help you with any questions. It is NOT a requirement (or encouraged) for you to share your personal financial information with the leaders; the course is about enabling you to manage your money. The course is for anyone who has an income, not just those who are struggling.
To find out more about our courses, please email Jane.
For parents with young children…
We have our Piglets parent and toddler group in Chadwell St Mary (Thursday mornings). These sessions offer a range of unstructured play activities, as well as craft and story and song time.
Due to the popularity of these groups and venue restrictions, at times, we may have a waiting list.
These groups are led by Nicola who is best reached via our facebook page or on 07897 175651, for more information.
For individuals who like craft…
We have volunteer-led groups called “Knit and Natter” in both Chadwell St Mary (Wednesday mornings) and Chafford Hundred (Tuesday mornings). The groups are attended by people from all walks of life and age groups. They are free of charge although you are welcome to make a contribution to drinks and wool if you’d like.
For more information, please contact the office who can arrange for one of the volunteer leaders, Hilary and Jennie, to get in touch.
For schools…
We are able to offer a variety of services to schools that help to address young people’s personal development, aspirations and emotional wellbeing. Our offering currently includes:
Mentoring 1:1 mentoring sessions
Kintsugi Wellbeing Groups: An interactive six week short course for young people who would benefit from learning more about aspects of mental health and support with developing strategies for coping when they feel overwhelmed (topics covered: vulnerability, anger, anxiety, depression, shame, perfectionism)
We are able to offer most school based services at a below-cost rate, with thanks to the giving of Community Church and local businesses such as The Co-op and Procter & Gamble. For more information, please email Gbenga.
For People Seeking Asylum and Refugees…
We are committed to supporting those escaping persecution and war as they settle in to community life in Thurrock. Through our Refugee Ministry, we aim to:
1. Welcome – we aim to visit every new arrival into Thurrock within 48 hours, offering them a small gift and warm smile and offer of further friendship and support should they like to accept it
2. Access to local services – we host a monthly Café Connect event where local people seeking asylum and refugees can meet each other as well as local statutory services and supportive charities who can support them. We support new arrivals with applying to school places and access to healthcare services, and if needed, provide any uniform or equipment they need to be able to access these.
3. Integration with the wider community – we provide opportunities for families to
integrate with their local community via our local activities; school holiday craft
events, knit and natter groups, toddler groups etc. We also run “The Welcome
Course” which is an introduction to British life, including our political system, where to go for particular problems and festivals celebrated in the UK.
If you’d like to request a Welcome Visit for a new arrival, please click HERE
If you are someone seeking asylum or have your refugee status and would like to register with us for support please click HERE
For more information, please contact Marsha