Everyone A Witness Teams

Everyone a Witness
Training Teams to go into the Harvest

October 2021 through to June 2022
Multiplying Disciples and Churches everywhere

Do you want to be a disciple, learning to obey Jesus, enter the harvest in your community, sharing the gospel generously, in order to multiply new disciples and churches?
Starting in October 2021 through until August 2022, we will be training teams to be able to
– enter into the harvest in their local community
– share the gospel generously and effectively
– disciple new converts
– form healthy New Testament churches
– train others to do the same

This will be training for teams of preferably at least 6 people but we will accept a team of at least 2 people.

There is a commitment of 13 hours per month and the rhythm for the team will be:
– Week 1 2 hrs Team Church using 3 thirds structure
– Week 2 2 hrs Training with Russell and or David (on Zoom)
– Week 3 2 hrs Team Church using 3 thirds structure
– Week 4 2 hrs Training – Practice or Training Others
Plus at least 4 hours per month in the harvest and 1 hour of coaching per month

Initial dates for your diaries:
Week 1 – Together – 05/10/2021 – Training
Week 2 – Together – 12/10/2021 – Training
Week 3 – Together – 19/10/2021 – Training
Week 4 – Local – Practice or Training Others

Week 1 – Local – Team Church
Week 2 – Together – 09/11/2021 – Training
Week 3    Local – Team Church
Week 4    Local – Practice or Training Others

Week 1    Local – Team Church
Week 2    Together – 14/12/2021 – Training
Week 3    Local – Team Church
Week 4    Local – Practice or Training Others

Then the same pattern each month with following monthly (week 2) training together on Zoom:
January 11/01/2022
February 08/02/2022
March 08/03/2022
April 12/04/2022
May 10/05/2022
June 14/06/2022
Plus at least 4 hours per month in the harvest (local) and coaching 1 hour per month
Also, a possible 2 half days of an intensive 4 Fields online or residential weekend somewhere, dependent on who signs up and where they are from.

If you are part of an established church please check with you leadership before signing up. If they would like to speak to Russell or David they are welcome to do so.